Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My blade of grass

This is what you shall do-

Understand that True individuality comes from the Individual ~ Don't sell yourself short~ Be Curious, question reality ~ Love that which you do not understand ~ Do not hold beliefs that are not your own

~ Do not let others use fear against you ~ Fear Nothing, especially Death, it comes for us all ~ Hate oppression, but not the oppressor, for they are oppressed themselves

~ Don't put baby in a corner ~ Be a weirdo ~ Find the humor in every aspect of life and cling to it in rough times ~ Turn pain and fear into art or good deeds, let life's negative details suppress you no longer

~ Know how to live outside of technology ~Sing and dance all the time, especially in moments that would be considered socially unacceptable ~ If life is an oyster than share your pearl ~ Put forth more energy and time into the improvement of your inner self than you do on your outward appearance

~ Be your own seamstress or tailor ~ Put more faith into the world around you, all the plants animals and elements, than you do into technology ~ Strive to use the full potential of your brain ~ Do something kind for another living thing without reason or self gratification ~ Arm yourself with Love, Knowledge, Pen and Paper ~ Don't hate the player, hate the game

~ Wear smile lines like a badge of honor ~ Do not inject food poisoning into your face, age gracefully ~ Vow not to become a walking billboard for a company who's fat cat CEO is investing your hard earned money into offshore accounts to avoid giving back to the people that have given them so much ~ "Damn the Man, save the empire"

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